May 13, 2021

The Ghanaian Immigrant and Covid, What It Means For Prospective Travelers to Canada

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On 30th October 2020, The Honorable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, announced plans to dramatically increase Canada’s immigration level for 2021 to 2023 to boost the country’s economy following the coronavirus pandemic. Canada aims to welcome about 1.2 million newcomers during this period.As a Ghanaian, this is the perfect time to take advantage of Canada’s increasing demand for immigrants, skilled labor and visitors. Depending on your purpose of travel you can apply to either migrate, work, stay permanently, study or visit the country for pleasure. The different types of visas do not limit the Ghanaian immigrant to a specific option, but rather provide a wide range of options to choose from.

These visas include Visitor visas, Student visas, Work visas, Permanent Residence visas, Business Immigrant visas, Express Entry visas and others.

Please click on the highlighted word link to direct you to the Canadian web page to give you more insight on the visa application process of any visa of your choice, the fees, the right documents to have and wait time.

Although all these sound like music to a prospective traveler’s ears, we must not forget the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic and how it has come to affect the movement between countries. Due to this certain protocols need to be observed before, during and after you arrive at your destination.

Travelling can be very exciting and draining at the same time, especially if it is something you have not done before or in a country you have never visited. Getting to know which documents to use for your application, and understanding how to apply for the visa, can be a discouraging process but this is where our experts come in, to help guide and advise you on the pathway which is best for you! All you need is to connect to an expert near you on our website.

But first of all, here are some things you need to know when moving from Ghana to Canada under the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first step is to apply for a visa of your intended purpose. You can access support to ensure you collect the correct documentation to apply for the visa. Depending on the type of visa you are applying for, this could take between 2 – 8 weeks.

Upon successfully being granted a visa, the next protocol is to take a Covid-19 test. This test must be conducted within 72 hours of the scheduled departure time of your flight to Canada. Proof of the test results must be kept for the 14 day period that begins on the day you enter Canada.

The choice of an Airline is mostly dependent on an individual’s preference, availability and budget.

Going through Ghana’s Kotoka International Airport, every individual passes through immigration and Customs. These immigration officials are mainly there to supervise and ensure that you have the right documents to leave the country. Customs Officers might inspect your luggage to make sure no illegal items are leaving the country.

On arrival in Canada, a mandatory Covid-19 test will be taken again, and a Covid-19 at-home specimen collection kit will be provided for your 8-day mandatory quarantine testing. Following the arrival test, you will need to go directly to your reserved hotel to await test results.

After all these protocols have been observed, and you test negative for Covid-19 after the 14 day period, you are free to move around the country.

The above process might seem challenging, but our well-experienced and trusted experts are available 24/7 to help you through the process. All you need to do is connect with an expert and you will have nothing to worry about!

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